
Pest Control Plus

At Killingsworth Environmental, we’re dedicated to keeping annoying, destructive pests away from your property. To help you protect your assets, we offer several comprehensive pest control plans, giving you just the right amount of flexibility. One of the most popular options is Pest Control Plus, an annual plan that targets more than a dozen common pests. To get rid of beetles, centipedes, fire ants, and other creepy crawlers, contact our pest control company today.


General Pests

Killingsworth Environmental serves customers in the Greater-Charlotte area. The region is home to a variety of general pests, including beetles, spiders, roaches, weevils and silverfish. As part of our annual exterminator package, we create a protective barrier around your home, deterring pests and preventing insect-related damage. We also apply treatments 2 feet up from your foundation and around doors, windows and other possible entry points.

Completed three times per year, this treatment targets the following pests:

  • Ants*

  • Mice

  • Spiders

  • Roaches

  • Springtails

  • Beetles

  • Earwigs

  • Millipedes

  • Weevils

  • Clover mites

  • Centipedes

  • Silverfish lower than 10 feet high on covered structures

  • Flea and tick protection

  • Carpenter bee protection

  • Fire ants protection

  • Yearly mosquito control

  • Snake treatment

* Carpenter ants require additional treatments.


Fleas and Ticks

Ticks are extremely common in the Carolinas. In fact, the region is home to multiple species, including deer ticks, brown dog ticks, and Lone Star ticks. Some deer ticks carry Lyme disease, making it even more important to keep these pests away from your home. Thanks to mild winters, the region also has an unusually long flea season. Although many people associate fleas with dogs and cats, these little critters can jump onto your shoes or pant legs, making it easy to end up with a flea infestation even if you don’t have any pets.

To keep fleas and ticks away from your home, we treat the lawn, flower beds, and other soil areas. If you already have an infestation, we can also treat your garage floor, the crevices around your baseboards, and other places where insects like to hide. It’s also important to treat areas where your pets spend a lot of time, such as under the bed or around upholstered furniture.


Carpenter Bees/Ants

Carpenter ants are a bit different from other ant species, as they’re capable of destroying wood structures. These ants hide out in rotting fence posts, insulation, and wall voids, so it’s important to treat your home regularly. Carpenter bees can also cause structural damage, especially if your shed, deck, or other structure has any decaying boards. Our pest control plans, including Pest Control Plus, target carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and other destructive insects.



When you think of pest control, you probably think of bees, ants, and other insects, but we can also help you keep snakes away from your property. To do this, we apply products designed to make your home less appealing to garter snakes, water snakes, corn snakes, and other species. As an added bonus, these products also repel insects, leaving snakes without a reliable food source. Instead of slithering toward your home for their next meal, the snakes around your property will have to go elsewhere.


Fire Ants

All ants are annoying, but fire ants are especially troublesome due to their painful bites. They can bite you, your children, or even your pets, causing significant pain or allergic reactions. Fire ants may even damage the electrical components of your HVAC system, leaving you with expensive repair bills. Our pest control company has extensive experience with fire ants, so we know exactly which products to use to keep them out of your home.


Bed Bugs

If you suddenly have itchy red spots on your body, you may have a bed bug infestation. These creatures are tiny, but they cause a lot of problems for homeowners, as they feast on blood and dead skin cells. An infestation usually starts in the bedroom, but it can quickly spread to other areas of your home. Bed bugs love to hide in crevices, so they may even sneak into your electronics or conceal themselves in the edges of a picture frame. As part of our annual exterminator plan, we apply products designed to eradicate bed bugs, making it easier for you to get a good night’s sleep.



Mosquitoes are among the most annoying insects in existence. It seems like every time you have a cookout or try to enjoy the outdoors, there they are, biting you or buzzing around your food. Not only are they annoying, but mosquitoes can also carry serious diseases, so it’s essential to keep them away from your home and any frequently used outdoor spaces.

As part of our Pest Control Plus package, we offer monthly mosquito-control services from March through October. One of our trained specialists will walk your property to identify potential breeding sites and determine the best way to eradicate mosquitos. For example, we treat the entire yard, including any nearby trees and shrubbery.


Learn More About Pest Control Plus

Killingsworth Environmental provides excellent service to customers in the Greater-Charlotte area. If you’re tired of swatting away insects or dealing with damage caused by carpenter bees and other pests, contact us today to sign up for the Pest Control Plus package.



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