
A Guide to Optimal Summer Lawn Care

lawn disease

Use This Timeline For Optimal Summer Lawn Care

When it comes to your lawn, timing could be everything. And summer is a great time to put in the work and reap the benefits of a beautiful landscape. Below are a few key tips to keep in mind, from the beginning to the end of your summer, to maintain grass you’ll be proud of.

Getting Started:

The very first thing you should do is to test your soil. At-home kits cost around $10, but call around, some nurseries might do it for you for free. A neutral pH is around 6.5-7; comparing your results to that can help you figure out what kind of fertilizer your lawn will need.

You should look for ‘slow-release’ fertilizers, meaning they will spread nutrients over time instead of instantly. Also, stay away from fertilizers with a wide range of particle sizes and have a lot of dust, as they are difficult to spread uniformly. For more on fertilizing, check out our fertilizing dos and don’ts.


Here in Charlotte, summers can get hot hot hot! Under normal conditions, your lawn needs about one inch of rain per week. If you notice that it hasn’t rained in a week, make sure to give it a good watering. But be careful and try not to do frequent brief watering, as it will lead to shallow rooting. Rather, do heavy watering less frequently. If irrigation is your way to water, follow these 5 lawn irrigation tips.

As the temperature rises, your lawn’s stress rises, as well. Change your lawnmower blade to allow 1- 1.5 inches more height (around 2-2.5 inches total height). This added height would help your grass absorb more water, grow longer roots, and be more drought resistant.

Be careful of what time you mow. Mowing a dry lawn will stress the turf even more and will expose it to the drying effects of the wind and sun, so it might be best to wait until after a good rain.

Tip: When mowing, keep the excess clippings and spread them on your lawn. This could cut your fertilization costs down by adding extra nutrients to your lawn.

Getting ready for the fall:

We suggest aerating your lawn late summer/early fall with a garden fork or a core-aerating machine. This will allow for more sunlight, water, and nutrients to soak into the soil.

Fertilize again! This might seem redundant going into the winter months but it’s more important than ever to have a good, strong grass base heading into the colder months. It’s important to fertilize in the fall, this time with a fertilizer high in phosphates and potash, to make sure you’re entering the fall and winter with strong roots for the grass to defend itself against the cold weather.

Have a nagging brown spot that you can’t get to fill in? You may think that it’s not watered enough or your pooches have been marking their territory, but it could be a fungus that has inhibited your lawn. Investigate by bringing a high res picture to a nearby nursery and they will be able to identify the problem quickly and help you fix it.

For best results, schedule a service with Killingsworth’s lawn care team. We know exactly how to help you maintain a beautiful lawn year round.

A Guide to Optimal Summer Lawn Care

Bedbug inspection

How to Know if Your Hotel Has Bedbugs

Upon entering a hotel room, do you typically reach for the tiny toiletries, take a leap onto the bed, or perhaps start by inspecting for bed bugs? Knowing what to look for is essential. Anticimex Carolinas Service Manager Christian Tweed has shared valuable insights on identifying bed bugs in your hotel room and preventing them from hitching a ride back home with you. And if bed bugs do become an unexpected part of your vacation, remember that Clark’s Pest Control is here to assist!

Q&A with a Pest Professional

How do bed bugs get inside hotels?

Bed bugs are primarily hitchhiking insects as opposed to foraging ones, meaning that they get carried around on people’s clothes and belongings. Someone with an active infestation in their home can easily bring bed bugs to their hotel, but they can also be picked up during travel (airplanes, taxis, and rideshare services) and brought to a hotel room.

What do people misunderstand about bed bugs in hotels?

From a probability standpoint, all hotels will deal with bed bugs at some point in time. If you think about a bed bug’s method of travel, there’s literally nothing a hotel can do to stop them from being carried in. What I have realized is that luxury hotels are more likely to have an aggressive response to dealing with a bed bug case once it’s identified as they tend to have a higher quality of service and a reputation to protect. While this isn’t always the case, it has been my experience more often than not.

Got bedbugs? Call Clark’s at 866-781-4991 today!

What do you recommend travelers do when they get to their room to check for bed bugs?

Most hotel headboards hang directly on the wall. I start my inspection here before even looking at the bed itself. I have found bed bugs, their exoskeletons, and the telltale black stains they leave behind around the edges of or in the crevices of headboards. If the headboard looks clean, move on to looking over the pillowcases and comforter for any signs or stains. You can dig into the bedding as deep as you want here, but I encourage people to look over the top layer of things at the very least.

What are some lesser-known signs of bed bugs in your hotel room?

The specifics of the black stains they leave behind, which as gross as it sounds, are just digested blood as that’s all that bed bugs feed on. If the stains are on a hard surface, they will be small dots as if left behind by an ink pen and will smear into a brownish gray when moisture is applied. If they’re on fabric, they will usually bleed along the fibers making a small diamond, square or X shape.

If there are bed bugs in your hotel room, can they travel home with you?

They absolutely can, however this is easy to prevent. While staying in a hotel, keep as much of your clothing and luggage off the beds as possible. Storing suitcases in the bathroom might sound odd, but it’s an effective method of prevention.

Don’t tackle bedbugs yourself, call Clark’s at 866-781-4991!

What should you do with your suitcase if you suspect your hotel has bed bugs?

When arriving home from a trip, leave your luggage in the garage or on a porch and bring your clothes in one load of laundry at a time. If the clothes are dirty, wash them like you normally would, if they’re clean then run them through the dryer for at least forty-five minutes. Once your suitcase is empty, vacuum over it meticulously (don’t forget to empty the vacuum when you’re done), or if you’re in the right climate, expose it to heat for a few days by placing it in your vehicle (parked in the sun) or for a few weeks in your attic.

The Clark’s Solution

If you brought bed bugs back to you home, Clark’s is here to help. Our Bedbug Control service is designed to eliminate bedbugs and create a safe, comfortable environment.

A Clark’s Pest Professional will do an inspection and recommend a plan of attack to get rid of bed bugs now and prevent them from hatching in the future. Call Clark’s at 866-781-4991 today for more information.

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