
Why the World Needs Bees


A List of Reasons Why We Need Bees!

The recent bee population decline is a big concern for researchers, and it should be for you too.  Around the world, bee populations are dwindling before our eyes. In recent years, several domestic and wild bee species have been placed on endangered lists. This is worrisome, as bees are the biggest pollinators and play a vital role in producing crops and sustaining the agriculture industry. In short, this means our food sources are at risk.  Think of it this way, all of the vegetables, fruit, and herbs you eat are directly affected by a pollinator.  And meat, you ask? Well, animals that provide us with meat are generally herbivores, and therefore require a diet of grasses and vegetation. So even if you eat a diet of mainly meat because you’re not a fan of vegetables, you still need bees.  You’re a pescatarian and think fish have nothing to do with the bees that live on land? Fish eat insects that land or lay eggs on the water’s surface, and those bugs that are being eaten have a diet consisting of plants, too.  See how that all works? There’s no way the food chain can continue going if bees are removed from the equation — it’s the circle of life, if you will. Protecting bees might not seem like the biggest concern for you specifically, but we want to explain why it is important for everyone to protect our world’s pollinators. We can’t live without bees, and they won’t keep living if we don’t step in and help them. So, here’s everything you need to know about why we need bees and how you can do your part in keeping their population levels high.

Meet the Bee

The word “bee” is an umbrella term for this pollinating insect as there are several species of bees. As of now, there are over 20,000 known species of bees, and the U.S. alone has around 3,500 species. Each type of bee has a specific role and pollinates particular plants, which is why we need bees of all kinds to survive.  With just about 500 bee species in the Carolinas, here’s an introduction to some of the most common types! 

American Bumble Bee

american bumble bee on flowerThe American Bumble Bee is the calmest of the bunch. Known to rarely sting, these bees don’t often swarm. Their bodies are stocky and almost cartoon-ish in appearance. Exoskeletal bristles give them a “fuzzy” texture that allows them to pollinate plants more easily.

Tri-Colored Bumble Bee

tri colored bumble beeSimilar in appearance to its American counterpart, the Tri-Colored Bumble Bee is yellow and black with a bright orange midsection. Tri-Colored Bumble Bees make honey to feed their colony’s larvae into adulthood. Full-developed bees go on to drink nectar. 

Eastern Carpenter Bee

carpenter beeLarge and in charge, the Eastern Carpenter Bee is a massive species. They are mainly black and yellow colored with a subtle metallic tint. Unlike most bee types, the Eastern Carpenter Bee builds nests in wood and other similar materials. These great pollinators visit fruit, vegetable, legume, and decorative flower crops. 

Western Honey Bee

western honey beeThe Honey Bee is probably the most well-known species on the planet. With several subspecies, the Honey Bee is a broad term describing a class of bees that produce and store honey. Here in the Carolinas, we often see the Western Honey Bee which has (for the most part) been domesticated for crop pollination and honey production. Products made of beeswax, honey, and royal jelly would not exist if it weren’t for the Western Honey Bee. Many cosmetics, personal care items, and home good products are made up of one of these ingredients

Mason Bee

mason carpenter beeMore efficient at pollinating than the Honey Bee, Mason Bees will pollinate even during wet or cold conditions. In addition, Mason Bees are solitary and do not live in hives with other bees. Rather, they find an empty cavity and will create a nest. Unlike Honey Bees, this species is said to be “hardworking, yet gentle” thanks to their non-aggressive temperament.  With so many more bee species calling the Carolinas home, knowing a few of the species you might find buzzing around in your own yard helps bring awareness to this declining insect. Next time you spot a bee, take the time to observe its behavior and appreciate the work it’s doing for you!

Why We Need Bees

As you know, bees are pollinators, meaning they visit flowers and other plants in search of pollen. In doing so, they catch pollen on their bodies and transfer it to other plants and fertilize them. This pollination process enables all types of plants to bear fruit and seeds. Other pollinators include butterflies, wasps, moths, beetles, and some birdsbats, and lizards; but the bee is by far the most effective because of the number of flowers they visit on a daily basis. In reality, more than 90 percent of the leading global crop types are visited by bees. Farmers rely on the diversity and growth of the bee population to pollinate their produce. Therefore, it’s safe to say that bees literally power the crop industry. Without bees to pollinate, our diets would be dull, poor, and much less nutritious, consisting mainly of rice and corn. In addition, evidence shows that the natural bee pollination process increases the overall quality of crops from the nutritional level to shelf life.  By now, we hope you have a clear idea of why we need bees. It’s because our diets and nutritional health rely on what bees do! Bees also contribute to an estimated $15 billion in U.S. crop value. Meaning not only do bees keep humans alive and well, they also fuel our economy. 

Why Bees are Becoming Extinct

Bees are currently dying at an economically unsustainable rate of around 30 – 50 percent each year. Unfortunately, scientists say there isn’t one specific reason why bees are disappearing. In fact, there is much debate surrounding the issue. The use of pesticides and climate change seem to be two of the biggest contributing factors, but there are still a lot of unknowns.   After WWII, the agricultural use of pesticides became wildly popular. The application of one pesticide in particular, neonicotinoid, has had a detrimental impact not only on the bees, but on the environment in general. Pesticides have been shown to weaken the bee’s immune system and eventually lead to death. While pesticides are believed to harm the overall bee population, little is done to rectify the situation as major corporations continue to use pesticides.  Other factors responsible for bee declination include various parasites such as Varroa mites, habitat destruction, and other damaging human practices. To stop wild and domestic bees from becoming extinct, more people must understand why we need bees.

How To Do Your Part

The good news is you, as one person, can do a lot to help preserve your local bee populations! If you’d like to help, here are a few easy things you can do yourself: 

Plant a variety of local bee-friendly flowers such as purple coneflower, bee balm, great blue lobelia, and goldenrod.
Be careful not to overspray your yard with chemicals. In part with the Integrated Pest Management philosophy, we also take care not to spray excessively or on any plant that is in bloom.
Buy local honey. Not only is it delicious, but it helps local beekeeper businesses stay afloat.
Buy local, organic food. These foods have been created thanks to our local pollinators.
Learn how to be a beekeeper with sustainable practices. Even small yards can be bee-friendly. Try making your own DIY bee hotel!
Keep a positive attitude when you see a bee, don’t be afraid of them. They will not sting unless aggravated.
Let your government know how important bees are to you. Reach out to your local offices and ask what they’re doing to help your local bee populations grow. 

Hopefully, now you’re able to appreciate bees and everything they do for us. We genuinely hope you’ll join us in taking the next steps to save the bees.

Our Part in Protecting the Bees

As an environmentally-focused company, we are always looking for ways to help our bee populations, along with the populations of other beneficial insects. All of our pest control practices are always done with our customers and the environment in mind.  To help protect our local bees, we never spray any plants with flowers or any plant about to bloom. Our bee-friendly practices help protect wild bee populations near your home, so they are less likely to come in contact with any type of product meant to get rid of unwanted pests, such as mosquitoes or termites. Just the opposite, we want to make sure we eliminate troublesome pests only! 

Protect the Bees with Killingsworth Environmental 

The next time you hire a pest control company to protect your home, be sure to do your research because not all pest professionals understand why we need bees! To schedule a bee-friendly pest control service, click the button below. We’ll take care of your pest problems in a responsible way and do our best to protect the bees! 

Why the World Needs Bees

Bedbug inspection

How to Know if Your Hotel Has Bedbugs

Upon entering a hotel room, do you typically reach for the tiny toiletries, take a leap onto the bed, or perhaps start by inspecting for bed bugs? Knowing what to look for is essential. Anticimex Carolinas Service Manager Christian Tweed has shared valuable insights on identifying bed bugs in your hotel room and preventing them from hitching a ride back home with you. And if bed bugs do become an unexpected part of your vacation, remember that Clark’s Pest Control is here to assist!

Q&A with a Pest Professional

How do bed bugs get inside hotels?

Bed bugs are primarily hitchhiking insects as opposed to foraging ones, meaning that they get carried around on people’s clothes and belongings. Someone with an active infestation in their home can easily bring bed bugs to their hotel, but they can also be picked up during travel (airplanes, taxis, and rideshare services) and brought to a hotel room.

What do people misunderstand about bed bugs in hotels?

From a probability standpoint, all hotels will deal with bed bugs at some point in time. If you think about a bed bug’s method of travel, there’s literally nothing a hotel can do to stop them from being carried in. What I have realized is that luxury hotels are more likely to have an aggressive response to dealing with a bed bug case once it’s identified as they tend to have a higher quality of service and a reputation to protect. While this isn’t always the case, it has been my experience more often than not.

Got bedbugs? Call Clark’s at 866-781-4991 today!

What do you recommend travelers do when they get to their room to check for bed bugs?

Most hotel headboards hang directly on the wall. I start my inspection here before even looking at the bed itself. I have found bed bugs, their exoskeletons, and the telltale black stains they leave behind around the edges of or in the crevices of headboards. If the headboard looks clean, move on to looking over the pillowcases and comforter for any signs or stains. You can dig into the bedding as deep as you want here, but I encourage people to look over the top layer of things at the very least.

What are some lesser-known signs of bed bugs in your hotel room?

The specifics of the black stains they leave behind, which as gross as it sounds, are just digested blood as that’s all that bed bugs feed on. If the stains are on a hard surface, they will be small dots as if left behind by an ink pen and will smear into a brownish gray when moisture is applied. If they’re on fabric, they will usually bleed along the fibers making a small diamond, square or X shape.

If there are bed bugs in your hotel room, can they travel home with you?

They absolutely can, however this is easy to prevent. While staying in a hotel, keep as much of your clothing and luggage off the beds as possible. Storing suitcases in the bathroom might sound odd, but it’s an effective method of prevention.

Don’t tackle bedbugs yourself, call Clark’s at 866-781-4991!

What should you do with your suitcase if you suspect your hotel has bed bugs?

When arriving home from a trip, leave your luggage in the garage or on a porch and bring your clothes in one load of laundry at a time. If the clothes are dirty, wash them like you normally would, if they’re clean then run them through the dryer for at least forty-five minutes. Once your suitcase is empty, vacuum over it meticulously (don’t forget to empty the vacuum when you’re done), or if you’re in the right climate, expose it to heat for a few days by placing it in your vehicle (parked in the sun) or for a few weeks in your attic.

The Clark’s Solution

If you brought bed bugs back to you home, Clark’s is here to help. Our Bedbug Control service is designed to eliminate bedbugs and create a safe, comfortable environment.

A Clark’s Pest Professional will do an inspection and recommend a plan of attack to get rid of bed bugs now and prevent them from hatching in the future. Call Clark’s at 866-781-4991 today for more information.

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