
Mice Control in the Carolinas

Mice Behaviors, Dangers, and Effective Pest Control

Mice are common pests across the United States and frequently find their way inside homes and businesses. The presence of mice is unwelcome not only because they can cause damage and spread disease, but also because many people are afraid of these small rodents and the very thought of spotting one causes them stress. Fortunately, you don’t have to share your space with mice if you know how to take preventative measures to control and prevent infestations.


What Are Mice?


Mice are small rodents that reproduce rapidly. A single female mouse can have 15 litters per year. The average size of each litter is 10 to 12. These numbers add up quickly. If several mice get inside your home or business and start to breed, you could have an infestation on your hands in no time. 


Identifying Mice


Numerous species of mice live in the Carolinas, but all fall into two main categories: the house mouse and the field mouse. 


House Mice


House mice usually have a pointed nose and protruding, beady black eyes. Their ears are large and rounded. House mice range in color from tan to gray to brown and generally have a lighter-colored underbelly. Rarely, some house mice are black. They have slender bodies and long, nearly hairless tails. They grow to about five inches long, including the tail. 


Field Mice


Field mice differ from common house mice in appearance. The exact physical characteristics depend on the species, but the average appearance is dark gray to brown with a white underbelly and white feet. Their eyes and ears are larger than those of a house mouse. They also grow up to seven inches long and have hairless tails. Deer mice and white-footed mice are just two examples of field mice. 



Problems and Dangers of Mice


Mice are known carriers of many diseases and bacterial infections like hantavirus, plague, and typhus that they can transmit to humans through direct or indirect contact. Mouse bites, handling live or dead pests, or coming into contact with feces, saliva, or urine all put you at risk of becoming ill. Mice also play host to fleas, ticks, and mites that could infect you could later infect you once the mice inside bring them. The bacteria left behind by mice can linger even after the rodents themselves are gone. You must disinfect and sterilize all surfaces the mice touch to prevent illness. 



Aside from health threats, mice can also cause significant property damage by chewing holes in your walls and floors. They often chew insulation, plumbing, and even electrical wiring which can cause a fire. If left unchecked, mice can cost you a significant amount of money in repairs. Since they frequently move into attics and basements that are used as storage areas, they could also ruin personal items, important documents, and family heirlooms. 



Signs You Have Mice


Spotting a live mouse running across the floor is just one way to clue into your rodent problem. You might never see a live mouse until the infestation is well established. If you know the other signs to look for, you can deter the presence of mice early on by calling in expert help before the problem grows. These signs all indicate that you may have a mouse problem:
Sighting a live or dead mouse.

  • Droppings around food containers, or in cabinets, cupboards, drawers, and other out-of-the-way places. 
  • Chewed food packaging. 
  • Chew marks or holes on the walls or floors. 
  • Stale or musty smells.
  • Strange scratching sounds coming from inside the walls. 
  • Nesting material like shredded paper or fabric.

If you notice any of these signs, call a professional immediately. 



Tips to Prevent an Infestation


Like a lot of pests, mice are more difficult to eradicate the longer they have to establish themselves. These tips can help you protect your property by deterring these rodents from entering and becoming an issue:

  • Remove sources of food and water. 
  • Keep garbage sealed in containers.
  • Remove bird feeders. 
  • Seal holes, cracks, and gaps both inside and outside to prevent mice from entering. 
  • Never leave doors or windows open without protective screens. 
  • Remove yard debris like leaf piles and wood that can provide a nesting spot for mice. 

Your efforts to keep mice away go a long way toward preventing an infestation. However, the best prevention and treatment techniques come from the professionals. If you want high-quality protection from mice, Killingsworth Environmental can inspect your property and come up with a targeted approach designed especially for you. 


How to Get Rid of Mice with Anticimex SMART Mice Control


Pest control goes digital with Anticimex SMART rodent control. SMART options are a game changer. Traditional mice control methods used snap traps and bait stations that were ineffective and potentially dangerous. Using the latest technology, Anticimex SMART rodent control offers 24/7 protection and a hands-off approach. 


Our team inspects your property to identify damage, locate entry points, and create a customized plan that addresses your unique needs. We then install a network of smart sensors and smart traps that detect and monitor mice activity. Each component communicates wirelessly and sends important information back to us at our headquarters.


We get alerts when to empty and reset traps and study the data to relocate traps and sensors as needed to eliminate your mouse problem once and for all. This system is further enhanced by a 10-foot treated perimeter around the base of your property to stop mice from accessing the building. The best part is that you can enjoy round-the-clock protection without ever having to set or empty a single trap yourself. 


Professional Mice Extermination to Protect Your Home or Business


Killingsworth Environmental provides quality, state-of-the-art pest management services for mice in the Greater Charlotte Area. We use safe, environmentally friendly methods that deliver effective results to eliminate your mouse problem and give you peace of mind. Contact us today to speak with one of our knowledgeable representatives to learn more about our services, or to request your free quote. 


Carolina Mice Control FAQs

Still have questions about identifying, controlling, and understanding mice in the Carolinas? Here are a few frequently asked questions to consider:

Walk the perimeter of your house frequently to check for cracks, broken vents, and other places mice could enter. Mice are very small and can enter a property through a hole as small as a dime.

Mice are most attracted to homes where there’s plenty to eat and lots of different spots where they can hide undetected. Keep your home clean and clutter-free, taking care to vacuum and mop regularly. And be sure to keep food in sealed containers mice can’t access.

It’s highly unlikely that you truly only have one mouse on your property. There are almost certainly many others that you haven’t seen yet, so it’s best to call in a mouse exterminator right away.

At Killingsworth Environmental, the safety of our clients and the beautiful environment throughout the Carolinas is our top priority. For that reason, we use a variety of eco-friendly mouse control solutions including SMART.

Yes, at Killingsworth, we take care of many different types of pests in addition to rodents like mice. Examples include termites, mosquitoes, roaches, ants, and more.


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