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  1. Stinging Insects

How do you Prevent Stinging Insects in The Carolinas?


Preventing stinging insects from your home and property can be a very difficult task due to the pests’ foraging behavior and the conditions under which they live and breed.

We target nesting sites directly with the with products the most effective products selected with the safety of your home and family in mind. Stinging insect behavior is at its busiest in spring and summer when people are trying to enjoy the outdoors. While it can be difficult to prevent stinging insects from making a home on your property, Killingsworth can quickly and efficiently make your pest problem a thing of the past.

What are the Main Stinging Insects in the Carolinas?


The main stinging insects we deal with are the following:

Carpenter Bee

Adults are about 1/2 to 1 in (12.5-25 mm) long and robust. Because of their size, carpenter bees are often mistaken for bumble bees. When properly identified, carpenter bees can be distinguished by their shiny, black abdomen and helicopter or “hovering” flight pattern. The adult female carpenter bee will use her chewing mouthparts to bore holes into wood (about the diameter of a dime) where she will turn to the grain and create a chamber approximately 5-8 inches long in which to lay her eggs.

Yellow Jacket

Adult workers are 3/8-5/8 in (10-16 mm) long, depending on species; queens are 25% longer. Yellowjackets are generally black in color with yellow markings on the body. Yellowjackets prefer to nest in the ground, making a paper-carton nest with multiple layers and hundreds of individual cells. The nest eventually has 30-55 compartments surrounded by a paper wall. They can also be found nesting in attics, behind walls, inside hollow trees, barns, in retaining walls and other landscape. At rest, the yellow jacket’s wings are folded lengthwise along the body.

European Paper Wasp

European paper wasp adults rather small at about 15 mm long. The European paper wasp is commonly mistaken for the Yellowjacket, as both appear black in color with yellow markings (like stripes) on the body. A distinguishing characteristic of the paper wasp is its’ thin, noticeably pinched “waist” and upside-down, umbrella-shaped nest. Paper wasp nests may be found under eaves, behind attic gable vents, inside exterior lights, charcoal or gas grills, and other enclosed areas. At rest, the paper wasp will hold its wings above the body at an approximate 45-degree angle.

What Services Should You Consider to Combat Stinging Insects?


Recommended Services include the following:

Total Care Pest Control Plan

Our Total Care includes everything in our Pest PLUS plan but adds a level of protection for termite treatment and prevention with our Sentricon monitoring and Baiting System.

  • Tri-Annual Services for general pests
  • Termite Monitoring and Baiting System
  • No Charge Retreatments
  • Flea & Tick
  • Fire Ants
  • Carpenter Bees/Ants
  • Snakes
  • Mosquito Annual Control



Our Pest control Plus plans include everything in our pest control solution but adds extra level of protection for unwanted pests.

  • Tri-Annual Services for general pests
  • No Charge Retreatments
  • Flea & Tick
  • Fire Ants
  • Carpenter Bees/Ants
  • Snakes
  • Mosquito Annual Control



Affordable pest control solution for eliminating common insects that enter the home from the outside. You will receive an initial interior and exterior inspection and treatment for your target pest problems, along with those we uncover during inspection. Exterior treatments continue once every four months to control general pests, ants, spiders, and crawling insects.

  • Tri-Annual Services for general pests
  • No Charge Retreatments
  • General Pests

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